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Mattes and Chalelle

16.05.2021 19:26
11. mája 2021 sme mali milú návštevu. Držíme palce, nech všetko dobre dopadne. Tešíme sa :) ICh. Casting Winner od Hettynky and Ch. Chanelle Vetrelec.

Mattes and Adara

15.04.2021 21:04
14. apríla sme mali očakávanú, milú návštevu. Držíme palce, aby všetko dobre dopadlo.  Casting Winner od Hettynky x Adara Moonlight surprise.   My name is Alakay, I was born on 17.6.2021 in kennel. Shaula Denebola mother Ch. Adara Moonlight Surprise and father ICh. Casting Winner od...

Mattes and Falcontessa

15.04.2021 20:18
We have 10 puppies! 6 boys and 4 girls!!!  ICh. Casting Winner Od Hettynky x Ch.Laguna Dios Falcontessa.  V noci, z 22. 3. na 23. 3. 2021, sa Mattesovi narodilo 10 nádherných šteniatok v poľskej chovateľskej stanici Ruby Dots! 6 chlapcov a 4 dievčatá. Veľmi sa tešíme. Foto vo fotogalérii...

Mattes and Amarula

01.03.2018 15:26
4. 4. 2018 - We have 9 puppies! 7 boys and 2 girls :) :) I´m very very happy! We are very pleased for the meeting with Andrea Manch again. She saw Mattes for the first time at EuroDog Show in Brno in 2015. Since then she has been watching his successes at shows. We are very happy for her...
World Dog Show Leipzig 2017 (295 entries) C.I.B. Casting Winner od Hettynky /ICh. Knock On Heaven Door Raul x ICh. Dignitty of Hettynky Sunset Dalmatian/ champion class (43entries) : Excellent <3  Judge : Mr. Lepasaar Marko We are very pleased that Mattes has stood in the competition...
2 September 2017 Rozhodca / Judge / Richter: Mr. Rune Brunberg Johansen (SWE),  ICh. Casting Winner od Hettynky - "Mattes" /ICh. Knock On Heaven Door Raul x ICh. Dignity of Hettynky Sunset Excellent 1 :)
ICh. Casting Winner Od Hettynky - Ex. 2, Res. CAC Judge: Mrs. Brenda Rance
Judge: Ewa Nielsen (S)  CAC, CACIB, BOB !!! Mattes is with this result Polish Champion now!!!
Memoriál Ing. J. Findejse / Club Show Brno 25. 9. 2016 Judge: Fintora Oleg / SK Ch. Casting Winner Od Hettynky, champion class, Exc. 1, CAC  
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